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1. Valentim M B Nunes, "Efeito de solventes mistos binários na cinética de reacções solvolíticas", Tese de Licenciatura em Química, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa (1986)

2. Valentim M B Nunes, M Irene Lopes e César A N Viana, "Solvólise do Brometo de Butilo Terciário em Misturas Metanol/Tetracloreto de Carbono", Actas do X Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 205-206  (1987)

3. Valentim M B Nunes, "Hidratação de Não-Electrólitos, Aspectos Termodinâmicos", Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra (1990)

4. Valentim M B Nunes, "Construção e Ensaio de um Viscosímetro de Copo Oscilante para Materiais Fundidos a Altas Temperaturas", Tese de Mestrado em Química-Física, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa (1996)

5. Valentim M B Nunes, Fernando V Santos e C A Nieto de Castro, "A High-Temperature Viscometer for Molten Materials", Int. J. Thermophys., 19(2), 427-435 (1998)

6. M J Lança, M J Lourenço, Fernando V Santos, Valentim M B Nunes e C A Nieto de Castro, "The Viscosity of Molten Potassium Nitrate", High Temp High Press., 33, 427-434 (2001)

7. Valentim M B Nunes, Fernando J V Santos, Maria J V Lourenço and C A Nieto de Castro, "Empirical Correlation for the Viscosity of Molten Alkali Nitrates", Proceedings of the Sixth Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, ed M N Bora, Guwahati, India, Vol1, 290-295 (2001)

8. Valentim M B Nunes, M J Lourenço, F J V Santos e C A Nieto de Castro, "Importance of the Accurate Data on Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity in Molten Salts Applications", J. Chem. Eng. Data, 48(3), 446-450 (2003)

9. Valentim M B Nunes, M J Lourenço, F J V Santos e C A Nieto de Castro, "The Meniscus Effect on Viscosity Determinations by the Oscillating Cup Method", High Temp. High Press., 35/36, 75-80 (2003/2004)

10. Valentim M B Nunes, Rahool P Panandiker, Maria J V Lourenço, Fernando J V Santos e Carlos A Nieto de Castro, "Transport of Momentum and Charge in Molten Alkali Nitrates", Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Molten Salts Chemistry & Technology, ed. P Taxil et al., Toulouse, France, Vol 2, 783-786 (2005)

11. Valentim M B Nunes, M J Lourenço, F J V Santos e C A Nieto de Castro, "Viscosity of Molten Sodium Nitrate, Int. J. Thermophys., 27(6), 1638-1649 (2006)

12. Valentim M B Nunes, Viscosidade de Sais Fundidos em Função da Temperatura - Medição Experimental e Interpretação, Tese de Doutoramento em Química, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, 2006

13. R. Gonçalves, V.M.B. Nunes, F.J.V. Santos, M.J.V. Lourenço and C.A. Nieto de Castro, "Viscosity of Al-Zn Alloys -Measurement by the Oscillating Cup Method", Final Report to ARCELOR, OCAS, Confidential, Belgium (2007)

14. Valentim M B Nunes, M J Lourenço, F J V Santos, Manuel M S Lopes e C A Nieto de Castro, "Accurate Measurement of Physico-Chemical Properties of Ionic Liquids and Molten Salts", in Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids: Never the Twain?, eds Marcelle Gaune-Escard and Kenneth Seddon, Wiley, 2010 (ISBN: 978-0-471-77392-4)

15. João M.P.França, Carlos A. Nieto de Castro, Manuel Matos Lopes and Valentim M.B.Nunes, "Influence of Thermophysical Properties of Ionic Liquids in Chemical Process Design", J. Chem. Eng. Data, 54(9), 2569-2575 (2009)

16. Valentim M.B. Nunes, Maria J.V. Lourenço, Fernando J.V. Santos and Carlos A. Nieto de Castro, "Viscosity of Industrially Important Al-Zn Alloys. I-Quasi-eutectic Alloys", Int. J. Thermophys., 31, 2348-2360 (2010)

17. T.I.L. Antunes, L.M.L. Mendes, C.A. Nieto de Castro and V.M.B. Nunes, "Ionic Liquids as Thermal Fluids: Feasibility Study of its Application on a Heat Exchanger of a Plastic Production Machine", Book of Abstracts of the International Workshop on Ionic Liquids - Seeds for New Engineering Application, eds Nieto de Castro et al., Lisboa, Portugal, 47-49 (2012)

18. Ana Machado, Catarina Morgado, Helena Monteiro, José Farinha e Valentim Nunes, "Processo de Bolonha no Instituto Politécnico de Tomar: do Projecto à Concretização", A Concretização do Processo de Bolonha em Portugal, Castelo Branco: Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, 2012, 155 p. (ISBN 978-989-8196-22-4)

19. V.M.B. Nunes, C.S. Queirós, M.J.V. Lourenço, F.J.V. Santos and C.A. Nieto de Castro, "Molten Salts as Engineering Fluids - A Review. Part I. Molten Alkali Nitrates", Applied Energy, 183, 603-611 (2016)

20. V.M.B. Nunes, M.J.V. Lourenço, F.J.V. Santos and C.A. Nieto de Castro, "Measurements of the Viscosity of Molten Lithium Nitrate by the Oscillating-cup Method", Int. J. Thermophys., 38, 13-19 (2017)

21. Valentim Nunes, Maria José Lourenço, Fernando Santos and Carlos Nieto de Castro, "Twenty Years of Research on Thermophysical Properties of High Temperature Fluids", Proceedings of the International Advanced Researches and Engineering Congress, ed. Recep Halicioglu et al., Osmaniye, Turkey, 1500-1507 (2017) ISBN 978-605-245-037-6

22. V.M.B. Nunes, C.S.G.P. Queirós, M.J.V. Lourenço, F.J.V. Santos and C.A. Nieto de Castro, "Viscosity of Industrially Important Zn-Al Alloys Part II: Alloys with Higher Contents of Al and Si", Int. J. Thermophys., 39: 68 (2018)

23. Otília Gonçalves, Marco Alves, Joana Grácio and Valentim Nunes, "A Comparative Study of Raspberry Dehydration by Lyophilisation or Conventional Drying", International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal, 2(3), 267-272 (2018)

24. Valentim Nunes and Carlos Nieto de Castro, "The viscosity of molten salt based nanofluids. Outlook", Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology and Science, ed. Afsin Gungor, Antalya, Turkey, 11-14 (2018)

25. Nuno A.J. Graça, Ana M.P. Alves, Dina M.R. Mateus, Henrique J.O. Pinho, Isabel M.D.P. Nogueira, Marco A.M. Cartaxo e Valentim M.B. Nunes, "Capítulo 3 - Avaliação de resíduos sólidos como enchimento", in ValorBio Tratamento de Águas Residuais por Zonas Húmidas Construídas Modulares, Uma contribuição para a economia circular, ed. Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, 19-29 (2019) ISBN 978-989-8840-27-1

26. V.M.B. Nunes, M.J.V. Lourenço, F.J.V. Santos and C.A. Nieto de Castro, "Molten Alkali Carbonates as Alternative Engineering Fluids for High Temperature Applications", Applied Energy, 242, 1626-1633 (2019)

27. M.A.M. Cartaxo, M.A. Rosa, I. Nogueira, V.M.B. Nunes, H.J.O. Pinho and D.M.R. Mateus, "Solid Waste Valorisation for Wastewater Treatment Processes", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Wastes Solutions Treatments Opportunities, ed. F. Castro et al., Costa da Caparica, 125-127 (2019) ISNN 2183-0568

28. Dina M.R. Mateus, Henrique J.O. Pinho, Isabel M.D.P. Nogueira, Manuel A.N.H. Rosa, Marco A.M. Cartaxo, Valentim M.B. Nunes, "Participation of students in the project Valorbio: A case study to accelerate the implementation of sustainability principles in the curriculum", Int. J. Sustainability in Higher Education, 21(2), 244 -263 (2020) ISNN 1467-6370

29. Valentim Nunes, Maria Lourenço, Fernando Santos, Carlos Nieto de Castro, "Guidelines About the Thermophysical Properties of the Ternary Eutectic of Molten Carbonates", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technology and Science, ed. Afsin Gungor, Antalya, Turkey, 170-177 (2020)

30. Valentim Nunes, Maria Lourenço, Fernando Santos, Carlos Nieto de Castro, "The Thermal and Transport Properties of Molten Metals & Alloys", Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Applied Science, ed. B. Yaniktepe et al., Osmaniye, Turkey, 190-197 (2021) E-ISBN: 978-605-61237-4-0

31. M. Cartaxo, J. Fernandes, M. Gomes, H. Pinho, V. Nunes, P. Coelho, "Hydrogen Production via Wastewater Electrolysis—An Integrated Approach Review", The Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart City Applications SCA 2021: Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 5 pp 671-680 (2022); DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-94191-8_54

32. Carlos A. Nieto de Castro, Maria José V. Lourenço, Fernando J. V. Santos, Manuel Matos Lopes, Valentim M. B. Nunes, "Thermophysical Properties of Fluids and Materials for Energy Applications. From Macro to Nano World", Proceedings of the European Advanced Materials Congress, ed. Ashutosh Tiwari, Genoa, Italy, S9 - 142-144 (2022)

33. M. Cartaxo, J. Fernandes, M. Gomes, H. Pinho, V. Nunes and P. Coelho, "Wastewater Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production", Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, 41, 57-80 (2023).

34. Henrique Pinho, Paulo Coelho, Mário Gomes, Marco Cartaxo, Valentim Nunes e José Fernandes, "Produção de Hidrogénio Verde: Exemplo de Sustentabilidade no Campus do IPT", Livro de Atas da 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável, ed. Ana Ferraz et al., Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, 99-100 (2023). ISBN: 978-989-9141-05-6

35. Valentim M. B. Nunes, Maria José V. Lourenço, Carlos A. Nieto de Castro, Correct Use of Oscillating‑Cup Viscometers for High‑Temperature Absolute Measurements of Newtonian Melts, International Journal of Thermophysics  45:64 (2024).